Friday, January 22, 2010

Subject 1 - Bahani

The first unfortunate victim of the WoWMP is Bahani, a female Tauren Warrior. I am not super excited for this as Mulgore, while pretty, leaves a little to be desired in terms of starting quests. That, and I fucking hate the Quillboar (and I hope they meet fiery death in cat). On the other hand, moos are fun and a warrior should be a little hardy. I've never played a warrior past the teens, so this will be interesting (and a good practice run for my cataclysm main).

Say hello to Bahani!

Bahani began her illustrious carrer the way all Tauren do: smacking around birds.

Even though no one in the history of the game has ever died one their first quest, I was still paranoid about it. This is going to be a fun project.

Play session ending stats:
Cash: 78 copper
Gear: Starter, plus a shirt and belt I took off of birds after bludgeoning them to death and some gloves I was given for bludgeoning the birds to death.
Level: 2
Location: Camp Narache

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